A mothers love is forever.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Yay! I've already got two followers! Thanks Ladies! It's nice to be back to blogging.

Today was a snow day for many but for me, it was just another day. I do the snow day thing every day! I used much of my morning to clean the house. It was in desperate need since the cookie baking we did yesterday. There were sprinkles in places I didn't know existed! I was raised to appreciate a clean, organized home so when I get the time and chance to clean, for me, it's therapeutic.

The thing is, when I need to get something done like cleaning the kitchen floor, I've got to keep the girls entertained doing something else. So the TV becomes my babysitter. That's right. I said it. But I don't feel there is any shame in it. There are so many people these days who feel like TV is the enemy. I think that if you don't filter what your kids watch, or that is what they do all day, then yes, it could be. But a few hours so that I can get a few things done? It's a realistic thing in my life. It has to be.

My girls enjoy TV. When they wake up, we usually watch an episode of M.ick.ey M.ou.se C.lu.bho.use together while eating breakfast. Sometimes we giggle and chat and Holly is constantly yelling to update me (even when I'm sitting next to her) about what each character is doing. I love MM time. Sometimes if we are having a cranky day, I'll allow another episode. Or if we are snowed in, or have colds, we'll do something special and watch an actual movie!

I like TV. I like that Holly knows a triangle because MMC repeated it 18 times and she cared enough to watch it. I'm boring to her. I talk shapes all day and she just isn't as in to it as she is when M.ick.ey talks about them. And Hannah can say Mee.Mee and Abb.y because she has seen them on TV.

My kids are couch potatoes by any means but they aren't naive to TV. I like that balance. I think it's cute that if I tell Holly "no" to MMC, or Elm.o, or M.ick.eys Kiss.miss Cawoll that she then says "watch oprah? news? football?"... She is adorable. My girls are cute. They are smart. and they like TV. We like TV. So sue me!


  1. We like TV, too. Probably too much. There are certain shows that will make R zone out, but most of the time when we watch TV, we do it together, so I don't feel bad about it either!

    I have to say, I am very thankful for Elmo.

  2. Thanks B! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I love it in the afternoon, after they wake up, and we snuggle & watch something while they wake up. Holly used to LOVE Elmo & Abby too (and she still does) but when watching Sesame Street she gets frustrated when they aren't on ALL the time... she's not in to the other characters yet :)
